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Better Safe than Sorry on New Year’s Eve

Yes, new year’s eve means that it is party time. The year has finally ended and a new one is about to begin. This means that you are entitled to celebrate the new year in a pompous way. But you also need to take certain precautions before venturing out for celebrations. Here are some guidelines you could follow to be safe on new year’s eve, especially in Mumbai.

Before you leave for a party, remember you inform your close to and dear ones, so that they’ll be able to reach you if things go haywire. It’s advisable to travel in groups and have car pooling so that you’ll leave together just in case you’re drunk and can’t drive. An alternative would be asking a relative or friend to drop and pick you from the party.

Parties these days tend to feel incomplete without booze. You may feel that gulping down that premium cocktail or getting 10 more shots with your friends will be cool as it is the new year’s eve, however, getting sloshed at a new year bash isn’t as cool as you think it is. The real fun is when you are in your senses and enjoying with everyone rather than sleeping in a corner, wasted.

In case you’re a non-alcoholic and are trying to find ways to avoid drinking, simply move around with a fizzing drink. Thus you’re not offered one. If you’re afraid someone could spike your drink, head at the bar counter and create your own. If you are feeling drunk and can’t get back, keep still till you get sober.

Be sensible with your dressing. Avoid clothes that you simply difficult to move around in or that may get stained easily. Dress comfortable so that no malfunction may be caused. This lets you groove to the music without that annoying voice in the back of your head telling you to check your attire every two minutes.

Carry a mini first-aid kit. A broken heel, dyspepsia or a horrible headache will be a celebration spoiler for you and your friends.

Getting too cosy with strangers could be a complete no no. Partying with someone you’ve simply met cannot invariably be in your favour. Be sensible with whom you clink your glasses with in any new year party.

Since new year parties are certain to last till the wee hours, it’s advisable to keep yourself safe. Women should carry an aerosol container or a pen knife in their purses. Install safety applications on your phone just in case you would need them for emergencies.

No one has the right to tease you or sexually harass you. Nobody has the proper to make you feel uncomfortable, whether or not you’re in a party or on the streets. Violence against you isn’t your fault. Violence isn’t anyone’s right. Don’t hesitate or be afraid to contact the concerned authorities. Call 103 – twenty four hour helpline for crime against women in Mumbai.

On that note, have a happy and safe new year celebration.

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